Broadbent EN, Almeyda Zambrano AM, Omans G, Adler B, Alonso P, Naylor D, Chenevert G, Murtha T, Prata G, de Almeida DRA, Dalla Corte AP, Silva C, Vogel J, de Oliveira M, Detto M, Ferreira MP, Wilkinson B, Ferreira ME, Muller-Landau H. The GatorEye Uninhabited Flying Laboratory: sensor fusion for 4D ecological analysis through custom hardware and algorithm integration. Version # downloaded from on month/day/year.
Download link: In prep GatorEye overview manuscript
The GatorEye is a novel combined hardware system and custom algorithm workflow, which collects and then, in post-processing, generates unique data fusion product deliverables incorporating LiDAR, hyperspectral, thermal, and visual sensors. The system is co-directed by Drs. Broadbent and Almeyda Zambrano, who manage flight operations, data processing, algorithm development and calibration/validation, and applications. Development of the system began in 2016, and hardware integration has been conducted in close collaboration with leading Aerospace and Sensor companies, specifically Phoenix LiDAR Systems, Headwall Photonics, and Harris Aerial. The system is of scientific interest to many faculty, researchers, and students around the world. Detailed and updated information on the hardware and deliverables is available in the GatorEye overview manuscript available to download and cite at the link above.
If you have an research collaboration you would like to discuss please contact Eben Broadbent ([email protected] / #1-650-204-1051) or Angelica Almeyda Zambrano via email. Thanks for your interest!
GatorEye data download link
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