Some consolidated information on the NASA FINESST Fellowship requirements
Deadline - February 4th, 2020.
The contents of the proposal must include the elements listed below, clearly identified, starting on a new page, and appearing in the order below in a single PDF file. Main body text of proposals and captions must use an easily read font of no more than 15 characters per horizontal inch (typical of 12-point Times New Roman) and no more than 5.5 lines per vertical inch (i.e., single-spaced). There must be at least one-inch margins on all sides, and the proposal must be sized for U.S. letter size (8.5x11) paper.
This section must contain a personal statement of up to two pages authored by the FI that addresses the research readiness criterion from Section 5.1 and a. Outlines the FI's goals, expertise, attributes, any relevant barriers to study and/or research encountered and steps taken to overcome any such barriers, etc. b. Highlights any relevant academic or other experiences prior to proposal submission, e.g., undergraduate studies, or other degree(s), graduate study already completed, etc. c. Provides a graduate study timeline that at minimum states the degree type (Ph.D/M.Sc. or both) and the start and completion dates estimates. This section may total no more than two pages, conforming to formatting requirements (line spacing etc.) in Section 4.
This section describes the proposed research project and may include figures and tables as appropriate. This section, excluding citations, may total no more than six (6) pages conforming to formatting requirements in Section 4. The project description should include the following elements: a. A well-defined problem with a justification of its scientific significance and a detailed approach for its resolution. b. A statement describing the relevance of the proposed work to the appropriate SMD Division and a program within that division. Note: If the research is relevant to more than one division/program, please identify the other division(s). c. A description of the approach to be taken to address the chosen problem. d. A period of performance or timeline for the proposed project listing anticipated accomplishments and major milestones, including planned publications.
CURRICULUM VITAE (CV) for the PI (mentor) and the FI (2 pages each)
The PI's and FI's CV or resume are mandatory and limited to two pages each. Any
mentors beyond the PI may be given the role of (unfunded) Co-Is or collaborators,
depending on their level of involvement. The CV is optional for any Co-I(s). Do not
provide CVs for collaborators.
The Mentoring Plan/Agreement should not exceed 2-pages. Both the FI and PI prepare
and sign this agreement that may include more than one mentor; however, having
additional mentors does not extend the page limit. Non-PI mentors do not have to be at
the submitting institution. It is optional to include mentors beyond the PI, but if they are
named, they must be added to the NSPIRES cover page as team members.
At minimum, the Mentoring Plan must include a statement that the FI and PI have
committed to the accomplishment of the research project. The content, format, and
organization of mentoring plan are at the discretion of PI-FI team.
If the submitting institution has a standard Mentor-Mentee checklist, plan, agreement,
template, etc., and it is longer than 2-pages, uses font size, margins, etc., that do
conform to this solicitation, then the institution’s standard is acceptable.
The plan’s purpose is to provide the FI with a plan for developing skills and acquiring
knowledge and experiences necessary to complete the research project and should
address the research readiness criterion from Section 5.1. This mentoring plan does not
need to re-state information provided in response to sections 4.1.1-4.1.4. The mentor(s)
may explain in the mentoring plan why the mentor has agreed to support this FI’s
Budget Timeline and Narrative (< 2 pages)
This section should not exceed 2-pages, excluding any special documentation that, for example, may be required from a non-profit that is not an education organization that the proposed FI is enrolled/in good standing in an eligible degree program at a university. Propose a budget start date and end date. However, given NASA's review schedule and other limitations, the start date cannot be much earlier than September 1. In general, the latest proposed start date is one year (approximately) from this solicitation’s February due date. NASA reserves the right to change the requested start date/end date for the award’s period of performance. Propose a timeline that makes sense for the research project month-by-month, quarterly, semester, etc. The budget timeline must include a brief budget justification narrative that explains the proposed allocation of funds across eligible participant support categories, e.g., what is the stipend? What is for the FI's activities as a mentee, e.g., travel, subscriptions, workshop registrations, society memberships, etc.? What, if any, amount is requested for tuition or similar funds for the university? When the university is committing to reduce or waive tuition and fees for the student, specify that amount in the budget justification. See Section 10 Explanatory Note B - Limitations on FINESST Budget Categories. Students funded by a FINESST grant may receive funding from other sources for expenses not covered by this award (e.g., to purchase equipment). FIs may take a hiatus to pursue other activities such as internships, family leave, military leave, etc. When a student is on hiatus for any period after the funding has been awarded, the student will not receive a FINESST stipend, and the institution shall not draw down/spend the FINESST stipend funds during the FI's hiatus. FINESST funds may be requested to support an FI's tuition; fees (allowable under 2 CFR 200 and consistent with university policy); travel in support of the research investigation or to conferences, symposia, or collaborative meetings; text books or other instructional supports; expendable laboratory supplies; page charges for journal articles; printing of a thesis; or health insurance policy, see Section 10.2 Explanatory Note BLimitations on FINESST Budget Categories.
References/Citations and Acknowledgements (< 150 words):
Citations and/or endnotes must directly follow the project description and are not included in the research description's 6-page limit. Provide all references and citations E.6-11 for the 6-page project description using easily understandable, standard abbreviations for journals and complete names for books. Providing URLs is done at the proposer’s own risk. Reviewers are not obligated to follow any links. Though this FINESST element does not specify what is "allowed content" for either References/citations nor the Acknowledgements, it should not include technical information that belongs in the project description. The Guidebook for Proposers Responding to A NASA Funding Announcement explains restrictions and preferences for bibliographies and appendices. In an acknowledgement statement of up to 150 words, describe the FI and PI or any other team member roles in preparing the proposal. This statement must affirm that the proposal is the work of the FI. It is acceptable for an FI to receive editorial and/graphic support from a writing center, copy editor, colleagues, and peers to improve the proposal (e.g., g
Overview additional information
•Awarded to a masters or PhD student that is enrolled, or has applied to, an accredited University.
•It is a research grant not a fellowship.
•The FINESST grant can fund up to a three-year research project
•Maximum award amount is $45,000 per 12-months, and up to $135,000 total for a period of performance maximum of 36 months. SMD suggests a student stipend of $35,000 per 12 months.
•All data will be made publicly available by the end of the award (a written data management plan needs to be included that describes how the data will be archived and when)
•Proposals are due: 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time, February 4, 2020.
Application Materials Summary:
In reference to:
Personal Statement (2 pages max) Page 10
•Student's goals, expertise, attributes, any relevant barriers to study and/or research encountered and steps taken to overcome any such barriers, etc.
•Highlights any relevant academic or other experiences prior to proposal submission, e.g., undergraduate studies, or other degree(s), graduate study already completed, etc.
•Provides a graduate study timeline that at minimum states the degree type (Ph.D/M.Sc. or both) and the start and completion dates estimates.
Science/Technical/Management Section (6 pages max) Page 10
This section describes the proposed research project and may include figures and tables as appropriate. The project description should include the following elements:
a. A well-defined problem with a justification of its scientific significance and a detailed approach for its resolution.
b. A statement describing the relevance of the proposed work to the appropriate SMD Division and a program within that division.
c. A description of the approach to be taken to address the chosen problem.
d. A period of performance or timeline for the proposed project listing anticipated accomplishments and major milestones, including planned publications.
Budget Timeline and Narrative (2 pages max) Page 12
•Propose budget start and end date: Propose a timeline that makes sense for the research project month-by-month, quarterly, semester, etc. The budget timeline must include a brief budget justification narrative that explains the proposed allocation of funds across eligible participant support categories, e.g., what is the stipend? What is for the FI's activities as a mentee, e.g., travel, subscriptions, workshop registrations, society memberships, etc.? What, if any, amount is requested for tuition or similar funds for the university? When the university is committing to reduce or waive tuition and fees for the student, specify that amount in the budget justification.
•Funds may be requested to support an FI's tuition; fees (allowable under 2 CFR 200 and consistent with university policy); travel in support of the research investigation or to conferences, symposia, or collaborative meetings; text books or other instructional supports; expendable laboratory supplies; page charges for journal articles; printing of a thesis; or health insurance policy
CV/Resume of Personal Investigator (Project Adviser) and student (2 pages each) Page 11
Mentoring Plan/Agreement: (2 pages max) Page 11
Selection Criteria (Page 14)
The criteria for evaluation of FINESST proposals are:
(a) The scientific merit of proposed research project. Assessing the scientific merit of the proposed research includes:
(b) The relevance of the proposed research or technology development to SMD's objectives in Earth and/or space science as described in Section 2
(c) Research readiness assessment.
(d) Cost reasonableness.
Deadline - February 4th, 2020.
The contents of the proposal must include the elements listed below, clearly identified, starting on a new page, and appearing in the order below in a single PDF file. Main body text of proposals and captions must use an easily read font of no more than 15 characters per horizontal inch (typical of 12-point Times New Roman) and no more than 5.5 lines per vertical inch (i.e., single-spaced). There must be at least one-inch margins on all sides, and the proposal must be sized for U.S. letter size (8.5x11) paper.
This section must contain a personal statement of up to two pages authored by the FI that addresses the research readiness criterion from Section 5.1 and a. Outlines the FI's goals, expertise, attributes, any relevant barriers to study and/or research encountered and steps taken to overcome any such barriers, etc. b. Highlights any relevant academic or other experiences prior to proposal submission, e.g., undergraduate studies, or other degree(s), graduate study already completed, etc. c. Provides a graduate study timeline that at minimum states the degree type (Ph.D/M.Sc. or both) and the start and completion dates estimates. This section may total no more than two pages, conforming to formatting requirements (line spacing etc.) in Section 4.
This section describes the proposed research project and may include figures and tables as appropriate. This section, excluding citations, may total no more than six (6) pages conforming to formatting requirements in Section 4. The project description should include the following elements: a. A well-defined problem with a justification of its scientific significance and a detailed approach for its resolution. b. A statement describing the relevance of the proposed work to the appropriate SMD Division and a program within that division. Note: If the research is relevant to more than one division/program, please identify the other division(s). c. A description of the approach to be taken to address the chosen problem. d. A period of performance or timeline for the proposed project listing anticipated accomplishments and major milestones, including planned publications.
CURRICULUM VITAE (CV) for the PI (mentor) and the FI (2 pages each)
The PI's and FI's CV or resume are mandatory and limited to two pages each. Any
mentors beyond the PI may be given the role of (unfunded) Co-Is or collaborators,
depending on their level of involvement. The CV is optional for any Co-I(s). Do not
provide CVs for collaborators.
The Mentoring Plan/Agreement should not exceed 2-pages. Both the FI and PI prepare
and sign this agreement that may include more than one mentor; however, having
additional mentors does not extend the page limit. Non-PI mentors do not have to be at
the submitting institution. It is optional to include mentors beyond the PI, but if they are
named, they must be added to the NSPIRES cover page as team members.
At minimum, the Mentoring Plan must include a statement that the FI and PI have
committed to the accomplishment of the research project. The content, format, and
organization of mentoring plan are at the discretion of PI-FI team.
If the submitting institution has a standard Mentor-Mentee checklist, plan, agreement,
template, etc., and it is longer than 2-pages, uses font size, margins, etc., that do
conform to this solicitation, then the institution’s standard is acceptable.
The plan’s purpose is to provide the FI with a plan for developing skills and acquiring
knowledge and experiences necessary to complete the research project and should
address the research readiness criterion from Section 5.1. This mentoring plan does not
need to re-state information provided in response to sections 4.1.1-4.1.4. The mentor(s)
may explain in the mentoring plan why the mentor has agreed to support this FI’s
Budget Timeline and Narrative (< 2 pages)
This section should not exceed 2-pages, excluding any special documentation that, for example, may be required from a non-profit that is not an education organization that the proposed FI is enrolled/in good standing in an eligible degree program at a university. Propose a budget start date and end date. However, given NASA's review schedule and other limitations, the start date cannot be much earlier than September 1. In general, the latest proposed start date is one year (approximately) from this solicitation’s February due date. NASA reserves the right to change the requested start date/end date for the award’s period of performance. Propose a timeline that makes sense for the research project month-by-month, quarterly, semester, etc. The budget timeline must include a brief budget justification narrative that explains the proposed allocation of funds across eligible participant support categories, e.g., what is the stipend? What is for the FI's activities as a mentee, e.g., travel, subscriptions, workshop registrations, society memberships, etc.? What, if any, amount is requested for tuition or similar funds for the university? When the university is committing to reduce or waive tuition and fees for the student, specify that amount in the budget justification. See Section 10 Explanatory Note B - Limitations on FINESST Budget Categories. Students funded by a FINESST grant may receive funding from other sources for expenses not covered by this award (e.g., to purchase equipment). FIs may take a hiatus to pursue other activities such as internships, family leave, military leave, etc. When a student is on hiatus for any period after the funding has been awarded, the student will not receive a FINESST stipend, and the institution shall not draw down/spend the FINESST stipend funds during the FI's hiatus. FINESST funds may be requested to support an FI's tuition; fees (allowable under 2 CFR 200 and consistent with university policy); travel in support of the research investigation or to conferences, symposia, or collaborative meetings; text books or other instructional supports; expendable laboratory supplies; page charges for journal articles; printing of a thesis; or health insurance policy, see Section 10.2 Explanatory Note BLimitations on FINESST Budget Categories.
References/Citations and Acknowledgements (< 150 words):
Citations and/or endnotes must directly follow the project description and are not included in the research description's 6-page limit. Provide all references and citations E.6-11 for the 6-page project description using easily understandable, standard abbreviations for journals and complete names for books. Providing URLs is done at the proposer’s own risk. Reviewers are not obligated to follow any links. Though this FINESST element does not specify what is "allowed content" for either References/citations nor the Acknowledgements, it should not include technical information that belongs in the project description. The Guidebook for Proposers Responding to A NASA Funding Announcement explains restrictions and preferences for bibliographies and appendices. In an acknowledgement statement of up to 150 words, describe the FI and PI or any other team member roles in preparing the proposal. This statement must affirm that the proposal is the work of the FI. It is acceptable for an FI to receive editorial and/graphic support from a writing center, copy editor, colleagues, and peers to improve the proposal (e.g., g
Overview additional information
•Awarded to a masters or PhD student that is enrolled, or has applied to, an accredited University.
•It is a research grant not a fellowship.
•The FINESST grant can fund up to a three-year research project
•Maximum award amount is $45,000 per 12-months, and up to $135,000 total for a period of performance maximum of 36 months. SMD suggests a student stipend of $35,000 per 12 months.
•All data will be made publicly available by the end of the award (a written data management plan needs to be included that describes how the data will be archived and when)
•Proposals are due: 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time, February 4, 2020.
Application Materials Summary:
In reference to:
Personal Statement (2 pages max) Page 10
•Student's goals, expertise, attributes, any relevant barriers to study and/or research encountered and steps taken to overcome any such barriers, etc.
•Highlights any relevant academic or other experiences prior to proposal submission, e.g., undergraduate studies, or other degree(s), graduate study already completed, etc.
•Provides a graduate study timeline that at minimum states the degree type (Ph.D/M.Sc. or both) and the start and completion dates estimates.
Science/Technical/Management Section (6 pages max) Page 10
This section describes the proposed research project and may include figures and tables as appropriate. The project description should include the following elements:
a. A well-defined problem with a justification of its scientific significance and a detailed approach for its resolution.
b. A statement describing the relevance of the proposed work to the appropriate SMD Division and a program within that division.
c. A description of the approach to be taken to address the chosen problem.
d. A period of performance or timeline for the proposed project listing anticipated accomplishments and major milestones, including planned publications.
Budget Timeline and Narrative (2 pages max) Page 12
•Propose budget start and end date: Propose a timeline that makes sense for the research project month-by-month, quarterly, semester, etc. The budget timeline must include a brief budget justification narrative that explains the proposed allocation of funds across eligible participant support categories, e.g., what is the stipend? What is for the FI's activities as a mentee, e.g., travel, subscriptions, workshop registrations, society memberships, etc.? What, if any, amount is requested for tuition or similar funds for the university? When the university is committing to reduce or waive tuition and fees for the student, specify that amount in the budget justification.
•Funds may be requested to support an FI's tuition; fees (allowable under 2 CFR 200 and consistent with university policy); travel in support of the research investigation or to conferences, symposia, or collaborative meetings; text books or other instructional supports; expendable laboratory supplies; page charges for journal articles; printing of a thesis; or health insurance policy
CV/Resume of Personal Investigator (Project Adviser) and student (2 pages each) Page 11
Mentoring Plan/Agreement: (2 pages max) Page 11
Selection Criteria (Page 14)
The criteria for evaluation of FINESST proposals are:
(a) The scientific merit of proposed research project. Assessing the scientific merit of the proposed research includes:
(b) The relevance of the proposed research or technology development to SMD's objectives in Earth and/or space science as described in Section 2
(c) Research readiness assessment.
(d) Cost reasonableness.