Equipment Overview
UAV flight platforms
Ground stations
UAV sensors
GNSS systems
Tracking systems
Hardware (PC)
Software (remote sensing)
Software (sensors)
Camera traps
Water quality
Gas flux
Tower sensors
- Applied Aeronautics v2 Alabatross inverted V fixed-wing (w/ LiDAR-Lite v3)
- DJI m600 hexacopter w/ A3 Pro and upgraded batteries
- 3DR Solo quadcopter w/ gimbal and dual-camera bay
- 3DR Solo quadcopter w/ Micasense mount
- Precision Hawk Rev IV fixed-wing
- 3DR Aero-M fixed-wing w/ LiDAR-Lite v3
Ground stations
- Applied Aeronautics custom tablet base station
- Macbook Pro
- iPad w/ ground station apps (Maps Made Easy preferred for DJI m600)
UAV sensors
- Headwall Photonics Nano-hyperspectral sensor (270 VNIR spectral bands)
- Phoenix LiDAR Scout w/ upgraded IMU (STIM 300)
- Precision Hawk LiDAR VLP-16 w/ tactical-grade IMU (post-processing via cloud required)
- Micasense RedEdge 3 multispectral camera
- MAPIR v2 NDVI and RGB cameras
- GoPro 4 Black (RGB)
- Sony a6000 RGB camera (18 MP) for Precision Hawk platform
GNSS systems
- Base station x900S w/ tripod
- 2x single frequency differential GNSS ()
Tracking systems
- Satellite tracker
- Marshall radio tracker
- Marshall GPS + radio tracker
Hardware (PC)
- Dell workstation w/ 256 GB RAM, 8 TB Raid drive, dual CPUs w/ 32 processors (liquid cooled)
- 40 TB Raid external drive w/ cloud backup
Software (remote sensing)
- ENVI Acorn atmospheric correction
- ERDAS Imagine
- ArcGIS + extensions
- Phoenix LiDAR software suite (perpetual license)
- Agisoft Photoscan *
- Pix4Dmapper Pro
- QT Modeller *
- Inertial Explorer *
- eCognition *
Software (sensors)
- HOBOware Pro
- Wildlife Acoustics Songscope
- Campbell Scientific Loggernet Pro
- 3x Wildlife Acoustics SM3 w/ Garmin GPS and aluminum protective case
- 1x PR recorder
Camera traps
- 20+ Aggresor No-glow
- 4 Reconyx P900
Water quality
- Hanna 9828 GPS enabled Multiparameter
Gas flux
- LiCOR 6400XT
- LiCOR 6400 leaf light and temperature control cuvette
- LiCOR 6400 soil gas exchange adaptor
- 20x soil gas collars
- Gas sampler system
- 2x CR1000 data loggers
- 1x weather protective case (Campbell Scientific)
- 8x PAR sensors
- 4x HOBO temp/rH sensors
Tower sensors
- Phenocam infrared camera network enabled