Publications (PDF downloads available via hyperlinked titles)
**** Please see Google Scholar pages for most updated publications. ****
28. Almeida, D.R.A., Broadbent, E.N., Zambrano, A.M.A., Wilkinson, B.E., Ferreira, M.E., Chazdon, R., Meli, P., Gorgens, E.B., Silva, C.A., Stark, S.C. and Valbuena, R., 2019. Monitoring the structure of forest restoration plantations with a drone-lidar system. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 79, pp.192-198.
27. Poorter, L., Rozendaal, D.M., Bongers, F., de Almeida-Cortez, J.S., Zambrano, A.M.A., Álvarez, F.S., Andrade, J.L., Villa, L.F.A., Balvanera, P., Becknell, J.M., Bentos, T.V... Broadbent EN, et al., 2019. Wet and dry tropical forests show opposite successional pathways in wood density but converge over time. Nature Ecology & Evolution, p.1.
26. Gutierrez, B.L., Almeyda Zambrano, A.M., Almeyda Zambrano, S.L., Quispe Gil, C.A., Bohlman, S., Avellan Arias, E., Mulder, G., Ols, C., Dirzo, R., DeLuycker, A.M. Lewis, K., Broadbent EN. 2019. An island of wildlife in a human-dominated landscape: The last fragment of primary forest on the Osa Peninsula’s Golfo Dulce coastline, Costa Rica. PloS one, 14(3), p.e0214390.
25. Strassburg BNS, ... Broadbent EN, et al. 2018. Strategic approaches to restoring ecosystems can triple conservation gains and halve costs. Nature ecology & evolution. Vol 3, Jan 2019. Pages. 62-70.
24. Dobbins M, Steinberg M, Broadbent EN, Ryan S. 2017. Habitat use, activity patterns, and human interactions with jaguars in southern Belize. Oryx
23. Quispe Gil CA, Piana R, Broadbent EN, Almeyda Zambrano AM, Almeyda Zambrano SL. 2016. First documentation of a foraging association between the Rufous-vented Ground-cuckoo (Neomorphus geoffroyi) and the Collared Peccary (Pecari tajacu) in southeastern Peru. Boletin UNOP Vol 11. N2
22. Thompson J, Lambert K, Foster D, Broadbent EN, Blumstein M, Almeyda Zambrano AM, Fan Y. 2016. Scenarios, Services, and Society: A case study of stakeholder-defined forest land-use scenarios and their consequences in Massachusetts, USA. Ecology & Society.
21. Chazdon R, Broadbent EN, ... Almeyda Zambrano AM, et al. 2016. Carbon mitigation potential of Neotropical secondary forests. Science Advances
20. Poorter L, Bongers F, Aide M, Almeyda Zambrano AM, Balvanera P, Becknell J, Boukili V, Broadbent EN, Chazdon R, et al. 2016. Biomass Resilience in the Tropics. Nature
19. Chazdon RL, Rozendaal D, Poorter L, Broadbent EN, Bongers F. 2015. Resilience of biomass recovery in regenerating Neotropical forests following agricultural land use. XIV World Forestry Congress.
18. Anderson-Teixeira K, … Almeyda Zambrano AM, …, Broadbent EN, et al. 2014. CTFS-ForestGEO: A worldwide network monitoring forests in an era of global change. Global Change Biology.
17. Duchelle Amy E., Almeyda Zambrano AM, Sven Wunder, Jan Börner, Karen A. Kainer. 2014. Livelihoods and conservation in smallholder-managed forests in Southwestern Amazonia: the role of Brazil Nut. World Development
16. Chavez AB, Broadbent EN, Almeyda Zambrano AM. 2014. Smallholder policy adoption and land cover change in the southeastern Peruvian Amazon: A twenty-year perspective. Applied Geography 53: 223-233
15. Broadbent EN, Almeyda Zambrano AM, Asner GP, Field CB, Kennedy-Bowdoin T, Knapp D, Rosenheim B, Burke D, Giardina C, Cordell S. 2014. Linking rainforest microclimate and ecophysiology through fusion of airborne waveform LiDAR and hyperspectral imagery. Ecosphere 5(5): 1-37
14. Broadbent EN, Almeyda Zambrano AM, Asner GP, Soriano M, Ramos de Souza H, Field CB, Peña-Claros M, Adams R, Giles L. 2014. Integrating stand and soil properties to understand foliar nutrient dynamics during forest succession following slash-and-burn agriculture in the Bolivian Amazon. PLOS ONE 9:e86042
13. Moll-Rochek J., Gilbert GE, Broadbent EN. 2014. Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa, Lecythidaceae) regeneration in logging gaps in the Peruvian Amazon: implications for the sustainability of multiple use forests. International Journal of Forestry Research. 420764:1-8.
12. Barbosa JM, Broadbent EN, Bitencourt MD. 2014. Aboveground biomass estimation by remote sensing: a review of the implications for forest regrowth studies in tropical forests. International Journal of Forestry Research 715796:1-14.
11. Broadbent EN, Almeyda Zambrano AM, Dirzo R, Durham WH, Driscoll L, Gallagher P, Salters R, Schultz J, Colmenares A. 2012. The effect of land use change and ecotourism on biodiversity: a study of Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica, from 1985-2008. Landscape Ecology 27:731-744.
10. Almeyda Zambrano AM, Broadbent EN, Durham WH. 2010. Social and environmental effects of ecotourism in the Osa Peninsula of Costa Rica: the Lapa Rios case. Journal of Ecotourism 9:62-83.
9. Pringle EG, Adams RI, Broadbent EN, Busby PE, Donatti CI, Kurten EL, Renton K. 2010. Distinct leaf-trait syndromes of evergreen and deciduous trees in a seasonally dry tropical forest. Biotropica 34:299-308.
8. Almeyda Zambrano AM, Broadbent EN, Wyman MS, Durham WH. 2010. Ecotourism Impacts in the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica. International Journal of Tourism Research, 12:803-819.
7. Almeyda Zambrano AM, Broadbent EN, Schmink M, Perz SG, Asner GP. 2010. Deforestation drivers in Southwest Amazonia: comparing smallholder farmers in Iñapari, Peru, and Assis Brasil, Brazil. Conservation and Society 8:157-170.
Broadbent EN, Asner GP, Keller M, Knapp D, Oliveira P, Silva N. 2008. Forest fragmentation from deforestation and selective logging in the Brazilian Amazon. Biological Conservation 141:1745-1757.
6. Broadbent EN, Asner GP, Soriano M, Palace M, Peña-Claros M. 2008. Spatial distribution of biomass and diversity in lowland Bolivian forest: linking field and remote sensing measurements. Forest Ecology and Management 255:2602-2616.
5. Oliveira, Paulo J. C., Gregory P. Asner, David E. Knapp, Angélica M. Almeyda Zambrano, Ricardo Galván-Gildemeister, Sam Keene, Rebecca F. Raybin, and Richard C. Smith. 2007. Land-use allocation protects the Peruvian Amazon. Science 317(5842): 1233-6.
4. Broadbent EN, Zarin D, Asner GP, Peña-Claros M, Cooper A, Littell R. 2006. Recovery of forest spectral and structural properties following selective logging in Lowland Bolivia. Ecological Applications 16:1148-1163 - Featured photograph in ESA bulletin July, 2006.
3. Asner GP, Broadbent EN, Oliveira P, Keller M, Knapp D, Silva D. 2006: Cover. Condition and fate of logged forests in the Brazilian Amazon. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 103:12947-12950.
2. Asner GP, Knapp D, Broadbent EN, Oliveira P, Keller M, Silva M. 2005. Selective logging in the Brazilian Amazon. Science 310:480-482.
1. Smith, Richard C., Danny Pinedo, Percy M. Summers, and Angélica M. Almeyda Zambrano. 2001. Tropical Rhythms and Collective Action: community-based fisheries management in the face of Amazonian unpredictability. IDS Bulletin 32(4): 36-46.
Perz SG, Almeyda AM. 2010. A Tri-Partite framework of forest dynamics: hierarchy, panarchy and heterarchy in the study of secondary growth. In Reforesting landscapes, linking pattern and process, Harini Nagendra and Jane Southworth, 10:59-84. Landscape Series. New York: Springer.
Almeyda Zambrano, Angélica M. 2004. Diversidad y composición de la flora arbórea en un área de bosque secundario tardío: Fundo Genova-UNALM, Valle de Chanchamayo, 1000-1500 msnm. In Relictos de Bosques de excepcional diversidad en los Andes centrales del Perú, Dante Antón and Carlos Reynel, 263-301. Lima: Herbario de la Facultad de Ciencias Forestales UNALM.
Pinedo, Danny, Percy M. Summers, Richard C. Smith, and Angélica M. Almeyda Zambrano. 2002. Manejo comunitario de recursos naturales como un proceso no-lineal: un estudio de caso de la llanura de inundación de la Amazonía peruana. In El cuidado de los bienes comunes: gobierno y manejo de los lagos y bosques en la Amazonía, Richard C. Smith and Danny Pinedo, 280-327. Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos & Instituto del Bien Común.
Smith, Richard C., Danny Pinedo, Percy M. Summers, and Angélica M. Almeyda Zambrano. 2002. Ritmos tropicales y acción colectiva: manejo comunitario de pesquerías frente a la impredictibilidad de la Amazonía. In El cuidado de los bienes comunes: gobierno y manejo de los lagos y bosques en la Amazonía, Richard C. Smith and Danny Pinedo, 328-351. Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos & Instituto del Bien Común.
Broadbent EN, Almeyda Zambrano AM. 2014. CTFS-ForestGEO: A worldwide network monitoring forests in an era of global change - R scripts for spatial analyses., Harvard Dataverse Network.
Thompson J, Lambert KF, Foster D, Blumstein M, Broadbent EN, Almeyda Zambrano AM. 2014. Changes to the land: four scenarios for the future of the Massachusetts landscape. Harvard Forest report.
Asner GP, Knapp DE, Broadbent EN, Oliveira PJC, Keller MM, Silva JNM. 2013. LBA-ECO LC-21 Brazilian Amazon Fractional Land Cover Images: 1999-2002. Data set. Available on-line ( from Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Duchelle A, Almeyda Zambrano AM, Hoyos N, Marsik M, Broadbent EN, Kainer KA. 2010. Conservation in an Amazonian tri-national frontier: patterns and drivers of land cover change in community-managed forests. CIFOR
Broadbent EN. 2003. Introduction to conducting biodiversity assessments using GIS and stereoscopic analysis of aerial photographs. Training manual. Hudsonia. 65pgs.
Stevens G, Broadbent EN. 2002. Significant habitats of the town of East Fishkill, Dutchess County, New York. Report to East Fishkill Town Board and Marilyn Milton Simpson Charitable Trusts. 57 pgs.
28. Almeida, D.R.A., Broadbent, E.N., Zambrano, A.M.A., Wilkinson, B.E., Ferreira, M.E., Chazdon, R., Meli, P., Gorgens, E.B., Silva, C.A., Stark, S.C. and Valbuena, R., 2019. Monitoring the structure of forest restoration plantations with a drone-lidar system. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 79, pp.192-198.
27. Poorter, L., Rozendaal, D.M., Bongers, F., de Almeida-Cortez, J.S., Zambrano, A.M.A., Álvarez, F.S., Andrade, J.L., Villa, L.F.A., Balvanera, P., Becknell, J.M., Bentos, T.V... Broadbent EN, et al., 2019. Wet and dry tropical forests show opposite successional pathways in wood density but converge over time. Nature Ecology & Evolution, p.1.
26. Gutierrez, B.L., Almeyda Zambrano, A.M., Almeyda Zambrano, S.L., Quispe Gil, C.A., Bohlman, S., Avellan Arias, E., Mulder, G., Ols, C., Dirzo, R., DeLuycker, A.M. Lewis, K., Broadbent EN. 2019. An island of wildlife in a human-dominated landscape: The last fragment of primary forest on the Osa Peninsula’s Golfo Dulce coastline, Costa Rica. PloS one, 14(3), p.e0214390.
25. Strassburg BNS, ... Broadbent EN, et al. 2018. Strategic approaches to restoring ecosystems can triple conservation gains and halve costs. Nature ecology & evolution. Vol 3, Jan 2019. Pages. 62-70.
24. Dobbins M, Steinberg M, Broadbent EN, Ryan S. 2017. Habitat use, activity patterns, and human interactions with jaguars in southern Belize. Oryx
23. Quispe Gil CA, Piana R, Broadbent EN, Almeyda Zambrano AM, Almeyda Zambrano SL. 2016. First documentation of a foraging association between the Rufous-vented Ground-cuckoo (Neomorphus geoffroyi) and the Collared Peccary (Pecari tajacu) in southeastern Peru. Boletin UNOP Vol 11. N2
22. Thompson J, Lambert K, Foster D, Broadbent EN, Blumstein M, Almeyda Zambrano AM, Fan Y. 2016. Scenarios, Services, and Society: A case study of stakeholder-defined forest land-use scenarios and their consequences in Massachusetts, USA. Ecology & Society.
21. Chazdon R, Broadbent EN, ... Almeyda Zambrano AM, et al. 2016. Carbon mitigation potential of Neotropical secondary forests. Science Advances
20. Poorter L, Bongers F, Aide M, Almeyda Zambrano AM, Balvanera P, Becknell J, Boukili V, Broadbent EN, Chazdon R, et al. 2016. Biomass Resilience in the Tropics. Nature
19. Chazdon RL, Rozendaal D, Poorter L, Broadbent EN, Bongers F. 2015. Resilience of biomass recovery in regenerating Neotropical forests following agricultural land use. XIV World Forestry Congress.
18. Anderson-Teixeira K, … Almeyda Zambrano AM, …, Broadbent EN, et al. 2014. CTFS-ForestGEO: A worldwide network monitoring forests in an era of global change. Global Change Biology.
17. Duchelle Amy E., Almeyda Zambrano AM, Sven Wunder, Jan Börner, Karen A. Kainer. 2014. Livelihoods and conservation in smallholder-managed forests in Southwestern Amazonia: the role of Brazil Nut. World Development
16. Chavez AB, Broadbent EN, Almeyda Zambrano AM. 2014. Smallholder policy adoption and land cover change in the southeastern Peruvian Amazon: A twenty-year perspective. Applied Geography 53: 223-233
15. Broadbent EN, Almeyda Zambrano AM, Asner GP, Field CB, Kennedy-Bowdoin T, Knapp D, Rosenheim B, Burke D, Giardina C, Cordell S. 2014. Linking rainforest microclimate and ecophysiology through fusion of airborne waveform LiDAR and hyperspectral imagery. Ecosphere 5(5): 1-37
14. Broadbent EN, Almeyda Zambrano AM, Asner GP, Soriano M, Ramos de Souza H, Field CB, Peña-Claros M, Adams R, Giles L. 2014. Integrating stand and soil properties to understand foliar nutrient dynamics during forest succession following slash-and-burn agriculture in the Bolivian Amazon. PLOS ONE 9:e86042
13. Moll-Rochek J., Gilbert GE, Broadbent EN. 2014. Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa, Lecythidaceae) regeneration in logging gaps in the Peruvian Amazon: implications for the sustainability of multiple use forests. International Journal of Forestry Research. 420764:1-8.
12. Barbosa JM, Broadbent EN, Bitencourt MD. 2014. Aboveground biomass estimation by remote sensing: a review of the implications for forest regrowth studies in tropical forests. International Journal of Forestry Research 715796:1-14.
11. Broadbent EN, Almeyda Zambrano AM, Dirzo R, Durham WH, Driscoll L, Gallagher P, Salters R, Schultz J, Colmenares A. 2012. The effect of land use change and ecotourism on biodiversity: a study of Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica, from 1985-2008. Landscape Ecology 27:731-744.
10. Almeyda Zambrano AM, Broadbent EN, Durham WH. 2010. Social and environmental effects of ecotourism in the Osa Peninsula of Costa Rica: the Lapa Rios case. Journal of Ecotourism 9:62-83.
9. Pringle EG, Adams RI, Broadbent EN, Busby PE, Donatti CI, Kurten EL, Renton K. 2010. Distinct leaf-trait syndromes of evergreen and deciduous trees in a seasonally dry tropical forest. Biotropica 34:299-308.
8. Almeyda Zambrano AM, Broadbent EN, Wyman MS, Durham WH. 2010. Ecotourism Impacts in the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica. International Journal of Tourism Research, 12:803-819.
7. Almeyda Zambrano AM, Broadbent EN, Schmink M, Perz SG, Asner GP. 2010. Deforestation drivers in Southwest Amazonia: comparing smallholder farmers in Iñapari, Peru, and Assis Brasil, Brazil. Conservation and Society 8:157-170.
Broadbent EN, Asner GP, Keller M, Knapp D, Oliveira P, Silva N. 2008. Forest fragmentation from deforestation and selective logging in the Brazilian Amazon. Biological Conservation 141:1745-1757.
6. Broadbent EN, Asner GP, Soriano M, Palace M, Peña-Claros M. 2008. Spatial distribution of biomass and diversity in lowland Bolivian forest: linking field and remote sensing measurements. Forest Ecology and Management 255:2602-2616.
5. Oliveira, Paulo J. C., Gregory P. Asner, David E. Knapp, Angélica M. Almeyda Zambrano, Ricardo Galván-Gildemeister, Sam Keene, Rebecca F. Raybin, and Richard C. Smith. 2007. Land-use allocation protects the Peruvian Amazon. Science 317(5842): 1233-6.
4. Broadbent EN, Zarin D, Asner GP, Peña-Claros M, Cooper A, Littell R. 2006. Recovery of forest spectral and structural properties following selective logging in Lowland Bolivia. Ecological Applications 16:1148-1163 - Featured photograph in ESA bulletin July, 2006.
3. Asner GP, Broadbent EN, Oliveira P, Keller M, Knapp D, Silva D. 2006: Cover. Condition and fate of logged forests in the Brazilian Amazon. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 103:12947-12950.
2. Asner GP, Knapp D, Broadbent EN, Oliveira P, Keller M, Silva M. 2005. Selective logging in the Brazilian Amazon. Science 310:480-482.
1. Smith, Richard C., Danny Pinedo, Percy M. Summers, and Angélica M. Almeyda Zambrano. 2001. Tropical Rhythms and Collective Action: community-based fisheries management in the face of Amazonian unpredictability. IDS Bulletin 32(4): 36-46.
Perz SG, Almeyda AM. 2010. A Tri-Partite framework of forest dynamics: hierarchy, panarchy and heterarchy in the study of secondary growth. In Reforesting landscapes, linking pattern and process, Harini Nagendra and Jane Southworth, 10:59-84. Landscape Series. New York: Springer.
Almeyda Zambrano, Angélica M. 2004. Diversidad y composición de la flora arbórea en un área de bosque secundario tardío: Fundo Genova-UNALM, Valle de Chanchamayo, 1000-1500 msnm. In Relictos de Bosques de excepcional diversidad en los Andes centrales del Perú, Dante Antón and Carlos Reynel, 263-301. Lima: Herbario de la Facultad de Ciencias Forestales UNALM.
Pinedo, Danny, Percy M. Summers, Richard C. Smith, and Angélica M. Almeyda Zambrano. 2002. Manejo comunitario de recursos naturales como un proceso no-lineal: un estudio de caso de la llanura de inundación de la Amazonía peruana. In El cuidado de los bienes comunes: gobierno y manejo de los lagos y bosques en la Amazonía, Richard C. Smith and Danny Pinedo, 280-327. Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos & Instituto del Bien Común.
Smith, Richard C., Danny Pinedo, Percy M. Summers, and Angélica M. Almeyda Zambrano. 2002. Ritmos tropicales y acción colectiva: manejo comunitario de pesquerías frente a la impredictibilidad de la Amazonía. In El cuidado de los bienes comunes: gobierno y manejo de los lagos y bosques en la Amazonía, Richard C. Smith and Danny Pinedo, 328-351. Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos & Instituto del Bien Común.
Broadbent EN, Almeyda Zambrano AM. 2014. CTFS-ForestGEO: A worldwide network monitoring forests in an era of global change - R scripts for spatial analyses., Harvard Dataverse Network.
Thompson J, Lambert KF, Foster D, Blumstein M, Broadbent EN, Almeyda Zambrano AM. 2014. Changes to the land: four scenarios for the future of the Massachusetts landscape. Harvard Forest report.
Asner GP, Knapp DE, Broadbent EN, Oliveira PJC, Keller MM, Silva JNM. 2013. LBA-ECO LC-21 Brazilian Amazon Fractional Land Cover Images: 1999-2002. Data set. Available on-line ( from Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Duchelle A, Almeyda Zambrano AM, Hoyos N, Marsik M, Broadbent EN, Kainer KA. 2010. Conservation in an Amazonian tri-national frontier: patterns and drivers of land cover change in community-managed forests. CIFOR
Broadbent EN. 2003. Introduction to conducting biodiversity assessments using GIS and stereoscopic analysis of aerial photographs. Training manual. Hudsonia. 65pgs.
Stevens G, Broadbent EN. 2002. Significant habitats of the town of East Fishkill, Dutchess County, New York. Report to East Fishkill Town Board and Marilyn Milton Simpson Charitable Trusts. 57 pgs.